Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Beauty Resolutions

Well, it's that time of year again to create good, new habits. Here are a few beauty habits you may want to work into your resolutions for 2009.
  • Clean your makeup brushes - Sounds easy, but how many of you do it? Ideally, brushes should be cleaned once a week, but try for once a month. They can be washed just like your hair. Lather up the bristles with your favorite shampoo and work it through. Rinse with warm water, squeeze out the excess, reshape the bristles and lay flat to dry.
  • Clean out your makeup drawer - If you have not used it in a year, throw it out. Mascara should be tossed after 90 days, once opened. Powder products tend to not harbour bacteria, but toss it if you have not been using it in the past year. No point in putting those clean brushes in nasty old makeup!
  • Wear sunscreen - Everyday. Put it on your face, neck and hands.
  • See a good pro - If you haven't had a good haircut, color, brow shaping, etc. get at least one this year. A professional will get you back on the right track.
  • Take a break - One day a week, try to take a makeup break by wearing nothing at all. Cleanse your skin and moisturize but put nothing else on your skin. I try to give my skin a product break for a week a few times a year and I love how my skin looks afterwards.
  • Exfoliate - At least once a week, exfoliate either with a gentle scrub or an enzyme treatment. I use a microfiber cloth my mom found and I love it.

Enjoy the New Year and go clean those brushes!!